
Steps to book your 1st visit

Please take the time to read this page. The waiting time for a first appointment can take up to 8 weeks.

1. Discover COHEA

Explore our concept and discover our range of services and our curated selection of high-end and natural products for your curly hair.

2. Check out our services and prices

Check out our services and rates for a first appointment. They have been created to help you understand your curls.

3. Understand your needs

Fill in the booking request form to help us understand your hair profile and assess whether our services are suitable for your current needs. Please note that the waiting time for a first appointment can take up to 3 months.

3. Book online

You will be able to book an appointment online once your form has been checked out by our team.
You will get :
- a unique and custom service for your curly hair
- expert advices and products recommendation
- a session to recharge and take care of you


Our clients


Frequently asked questions (faqs)

A wellness session for your curls